
Rules & Regulations


  1. Fee should be deposited in cash on or before the due date given in the Installment Plan. In case of a Cheque Account Payee, cheque must be given in the name of: Mata Gujri Girls  Public School".

NOTE: In case the cheque is dishonoured, the fee has to be deposited in cash, with a fine of Rs. 200/- and bank charges as charged by the Bank.

  1. No deduction is made in the fee for the absence of children.
  2. It is advised to the parents that they should obtain  a No Dues Certificate from the Accounts Office before the final examination is in the prescribed format, without which the Admit Card for the examination may not be given to appear in the examination.
  3. Bus facility is available. Once opted for, it is to be used for the whole session and not for any part thereof. If the facility is withdrawn in the middle of the session, no refund will be made.
  4. Fee can be deposited in four installments, i.e.

          (Due dates)

               I    Installment         1st April to 10th April

               II   Installment         1st July to 10th July

               III  Installment        1st October to 10th October

               IV  Installment        1st January to 10th January

           If fee is not paid as per the last due date given above, it should be paid with a fine of Rs. 10/- per day as late fee.

  1. No deduction is made in transport, mess & school fee for the absence of children.


  1. Maintain perfect silence in the library,
  2. Enter the library in a disciplined manner in a proper line.
  3. Do not push each other while entering the library or occupying the seat.
  4. Get the books issued one by one as per the directions of the librarian.
  5. Return the book on due date.
  6. Do not spoil the book or magazines or disfigure/damage the pages of books/ magazine.
  7. Obey the instructions of the librarian.
  8. Keep the books in an orderly manner on the table and not on the racks.
  9. Fine:
  • If a student does not return the book on the stipulated date, she will be fined Rs. 5 per day.
  • The student should check carefully while being issued the book.
  • In case of torn pages and any damage to the book, the cost of the book along with an additional penalty of 25% of the cost will be levied and the book will be returned to the student.
  • In case of loss of the book 25